A series of short ( 15 min) Facebook Live interactions between Means and one of his clients, Kathy Gaughan, sharing some of the insights, coaching, and breakthroughs she has experienced during her coaching sessions.   Kathy wanted to share them with the world - so we are! 

Session Topics: 

  • Open the Blinds - Aligning our actions to what we say we want
  • Perception, Interpretation, Experience and actions; Results=Circumstances.
  • Power of Choice: Choose your story, choose your life
  • Making it Magic-  what you look for, you see.
  • Choosing your goals - creating your life from now forward ;
  • Relating to Yourself: Empower
  • Relating to Others: Empower
  • Shifting from Fear to Empowerment
  • Freedom From, vs Freedom To
  • It's not a practice life vs it's ALL a practice life.

 Anything you find interesting we can bring to the conversation;
You create your life!

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The Magic Happens is hosted every Monday at 1pm eastern by Kathy Gaughan on Facebook Live:  


Have a Question, Comment, or Topic you'd like discussed?   Contact Us!