Empowered Enterprises'
Living in the WOW!!

Empowered Enterprises’ founder Means Davis leads a exciting program on Living in the WOW!  

Bringing over twenty years experience in creating the WOW moments, the WOW results, the WOW life, Means brings it all to you in a program designed to be the catalyst for your success, focusing on what’s important to you.  Whether it’s your career, owning a business, running a business, relationships, family, health & vitality, socializing, community involvement, managing your time or creating life balance, this program promises results in Living in the WOW. 

Each session is led and facilitated by Means (or another highly qualified expert in an area requested by the participants), with the content and agenda customized for each call's participants.  Get your questions answered, initiate a dialogue, deepen your knowledge, skills, and expertise in creating the life of your dreams while living the life of your dreams; practice and experience the Living in the WOW!  phenomenon.

 This program offers a creative combination of individual  strategy planning calls, group networking/resource sharing calls, and interactive web events.  Join a call when it works best for you. Join our dynamic community of people consciously creating the now, and the future, as the WOW you’ve always wanted. 

Start Living in the WOW! today!! Join for only $249/month.